Reports & Analytics

Average time on page report

This guide will explore what average time on page means, how it is calculated, and how to navigate and interpret the report in Notionlytics.

What is the 'average time on page'?

Average time on page refers to the time a visitor spends on a specific page within your workspace before proceeding to a different page or leaving the session altogether. This metric is vital for understanding user engagement and can provide valuable insights into how well a page meets a user's needs, expectations, and interests.

How is it calculated?

The 'average time on page' calculation is based on the difference between the timestamps of two consecutive page views within a single session. Here's a simple example:

  • User A visits Page 1 at 10:00 AM and navigates to Page 2 at 10:05 AM. Time spent on Page 1 is 5 minutes.
  • User B visits Page 1 at 10:30 AM and navigates to Page 3 at 10:32 AM. The time spent on Page 1 is 2 minutes.

The average time on Page 1 for the two users is calculated as follows: (5 minutes + 2 minutes) / 2 users = 3.5 minutes.

Metric limitations

Please note that this metric has limitations, such as when a user has a single-page visit and then leaves the session. In this case, the time spent cannot be calculated, and the session is considered a "bounce." Hence, the actual average time on page might be higher than what is reported.

Please note that this metric has limitations, such as when a user has a single-page visit and then leaves the session. In this case, the time spent cannot be calculated, and the session is considered a "bounce." Hence, the actual average time on page might be higher than what is reported.

Accessing the Average time on page report in Notionlytics

To access the Average Time on Page report in Notionlytics, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Reports in the left-side menu.

  2. Choose Average time on page under the Historical Reports section.

Interpreting and customizing the Average time on page report

With the Average Time on Page report, you can observe the metric at both the page level and the entire workspace. To customize the report, you can select various granularity options such as hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly. Additionally, you can choose different time frames such as last week, last 4 weeks, last 3 months, last 6 months, and last year.

One powerful feature of the report is the ability to compare your current performance to a previous period. Click "Compare to previous period," and another line will be drawn on the chart, allowing you to analyze your performance quickly.

On the right side of the chart, you can view overall metrics for the selected period, providing quick insights and valuable data for decision-making.

Week time report