Account settings

Delete account

If you've decided Notionlytics is not the right fit for your needs, you may want to delete your account. Before proceeding, consider if you need to delete your entire account or just a workspace within the app. If you only need to delete a workspace, please refer to our Delete workspace article for help.

This guide will walk you through the steps to delete your Notionlytics account. This process is irreversible, so ensure you truly want to remove everything before proceeding.

How to delete your Notionlytics account

Follow the steps detailed below to delete your Notionlytics account:

  1. Open the Notionlytics app in your browser or on your device.

  2. Click on 'Profile' in the left-hand menu.

  3. Scroll down to the 'Delete profile' section.

  4. Type 'Delete my profile' into the input field. This step is to ensure that you truly want to delete your profile.

  5. Click the 'Delete' button.

  6. A confirmation popup will appear. Click 'OK' to confirm the deletion of your account.

After completing these steps, you'll be redirected to the login screen and receive a confirmation email. The email will include a short questionnaire on why you deleted your account. We appreciate your time in providing feedback, as it helps us improve our product and services.

We're sorry to see you go. We hope you found the information in this guide helpful. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please get in touch with our support team at [email protected].

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