Workspace & configuration

What is a workspace?

A workspace is a virtual place for your Notion page analytics. With workspaces, tracking multiple Notion pages becomes easy, allowing monitoring analytics either at a page level or at a workspace level. All logically related Notion pages can be a part of the same workspace if they need to be analyzed altogether. Example: one workspace for the corporate wiki, one workspace for the Notion website, one workspace for the knowledge base, one workspace for your personal blog, one workspace for Notion templates, etc. It is also possible to track all Notion pages in the same workspace, but different workspaces allow keeping all pages in a structured way.

☝ Currently, we support having only one workspace per user. Click here to join the waitlist if you need multiple workspaces.

Workspace settings


In Notionlytics, the name of a workspace can be easily modified to reflect any changes in the content or purpose of the workspace. This can be done anytime by accessing the Settings menu and navigating to the General tab, where the workspace name can be edited. It's important to note that changing the workspace name does not affect the content or analytics of the pages within the workspace - it simply updates the name displayed in the Notionlytics dashboard.


Notionlytics allows users to customize the appearance of the tracking widget, but the level of customization available depends on the subscription plan. On some plans, only certain colors can be updated, while the widget can be hidden entirely on other plans.

To update the widget view, go to Settings and open the Widget tab. From there, they can choose from a variety of customization options, such as changing the background color and text color or changing the widget view completely.

Customizing the tracking widget can help make it more visually appealing and better integrated into a user's website or Notion pages. This can help to increase engagement and encourage visitors to spend more time on the site.


The Integrations tab can be found on the Settings page. This tab displays a list of integrations connected to your Notionlytics workspace, including Notion, Google, and Google Analytics. These integrations are essential for Notionlytics to function properly, enabling data collection and storage. The tab also provides the option to include Facebook Pixel, which is used for gathering custom audiences on Facebook for future targeting.

All these integrations can be updated if necessary. For example, you can reconnect Notion and select additional pages if you want to track more pages. However, we do not recommend updating integrations like Google Analytics, as doing so may result in losing access to historical data.

Updates to Notionlytics with GA Sunset