Pages & tracking

Bookmarked and active pages

This guide will provide detailed information on bookmarked and active pages within the Notionlytics app.

All, bookmarked and active pages

All pages

This section shows all the pages you've shared with Notionlytics. If you do not see some pages, refer to our Cannot find the page article for assistance.

Active pages

The Active list displays the pages you are currently tracking. Upon activating a page for tracking, Notionlytics embeds tracking widgets into the pages, collecting essential analytics data.

Bookmarked pages

The Bookmarked section is created for user convenience. You can add pages to this section even if you don't track them. All bookmarked pages are listed in dropdown menus across various reports, allowing you to filter by page view reports or other related reports.

Benefits of using the bookmarked section

The Bookmarked section is highly useful when:

  • You were tracking a page but stopped tracking it at some point
  • You still need to see the historical data from time to time

Keeping the page in the Bookmarked section gives you easy access to historical data as needed.

Search page options