Reports & Analytics

Live page views report

This guide will walk you through the Live page views report in Notionlytics, how to access it, and what to do if no data is displaying.

Understanding page views

A page view represents the number of times a specific page on your website has been viewed by visitors. This metric is essential for analyzing user engagement and identifying popular content on your site. For a more in-depth explanation of page views, refer to our Page views report article.

Accessing Live page views report in Notionlytics

  1. Go to the Notionlytics app.

  2. Locate and click on Reports in the left side menu.

  3. Navigate to the Live reports section and choose Live page views.

Once opened, you'll see two sections in this report: the chart and the list of pages with their corresponding number of views. The graph displays data for the last 30 minutes. To refresh and update the report with the latest data, click on the Refresh button.

No data displayed?

If you don't see any data in the Live page views report, it means that nobody has visited your website's pages within the last 30 minutes. However, if you are confident there should be some visits, ensure your tracking widget is placed optimally to capture 100% of your page visits.

For tips and best practices, refer to our article on Optimal placement for a widget.

The Live page views report in Notionlytics is a valuable tool for monitoring real-time user engagement. Ensure your tracking widget is set up and placed optimally to capture accurate data.

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