Reports & Analytics

Users report

This guide will provide an overview of Users report in Notionlytics. By the end of this article, you will clearly understand what a user is, how the system identifies them, and how this information can benefit your workflow.

What is a user?

In the context of Notionlytics, a user refers to someone who visits or interacts with your workspace or a specific page within your workspace. A user could be any of the following:

  1. A visitor who stumbles upon your public-facing workspace or page.

  2. A team member who has access to your workspace and uses it regularly.

  3. A client or partner with access to certain pages within your workspace.

Different devices and browsers

It is important to note that different devices or browsers used by the same individual may be counted as separate users.

It is important to note that different devices or browsers used by the same individual may be counted as separate users. This is because the system recognizes users through a combination of factors like IP addresses, browser cookies, and device IDs.

Accessing user reports in Notionlytics

To open the Users report in Notionlytics, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on Reports in the left-side menu of your Notionlytics app.

  2. In the Historical Reports section, choose Users.

Analyzing user data

Using the Users report, you can observe and analyze user data at both page-level and the entire workspace. This allows you to understand which content and pages are most engaging and how your overall workspace is performing with respect to user interactions.

While viewing the Users report, you can choose from various granularity options: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. You can also select different timeframes such as the last week, last 4 weeks, last 3 months, last 6 months, or last year.

One of the most powerful features of the Users report is the ability to compare current performance to a previous period. To do this, click "Compare to previous period," and a second line will appear on the chart. This visualization provides an at-a-glance understanding of your workspace's performance over time and helps you identify areas that need improvement.

You can also review the overall metrics for the selected period on the right side of the chart. These metrics show the total number of users, their interactions, and other relevant data.

Sessions report